For years, teachers and experts have struggled to find out why our child was struggling to read. WE were greatly frustrated because no one had taken the time to find the root cause of why our child struggled with reading. Ms. Watkins was recommended to us by the Summit School in Annapolis. After an initial evaluation, we immediately knew we had found the right person to teach our child to read. She used the Wilson system that was a perfect fit for our child’s learning style. Teaching reading is her passion and she knows how to approach a child’s reading difficulties with respect and determination. Ms. Watkins drove an hour each way, five days a week to tutor our child at school. She was constantly in contact with us as to his progress. We appreciated the homework she gave him to accomplish between sessions as this reinforced the lessons. After working with Ms. Watkins for six months, our child went from reading below his grade level to reading at grade level and was able to remain at his school. We also saw our bright child’s self esteem flourish as he overcame his reading roadblocks.

Stephanie, Anne Arundel County Parent

We worked with Faune Watkins of All Can Read for two summers, making steady progress on the Lindamood Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing® * program. My autistic teen, who could read words well, never knew what he was reading. If you asked him what had happened in the last chapter, he would tell you what happened in the last sentence of the chapter. The rest was lost. After working with Ms. Watkins, his comprehension soared. He can now tell you the plot of high school level texts. My son didn’t mind going to sessions because Ms. Watkins worked hard to make the environment friendly and accessible. She always showed respect to parents and students. I would highly recommend her.

Montgomery County Parent

Faune is uniquely gifted at unlocking potential in children that others miss. Her approach to transforming children’s reading skills is a wonderful mix of contrasts: patience coupled with high expectations; formal expertise combined with flexibly tailored curriculum; and a passion for sharing the importance of reading underscored by a fun-loving spirit. Given these contrasts it is unsurprising that reading is now one of my child’s strongest academic subjects. Her company, “All Can Read,” is aptly named.

Chris Peterson
All Can Read, LLC Client

For so many years we were trying to discover the root of our children's reading and spelling challenges. It wasn't until Faune came along and introduced us to the benefits of the Wilson Reading Program and her own innovative style that we were able to make the kind of progress that makes a difference in a child's life. Faune understands how to use incentives to make learning a pleasure for our children. My daughter, now headed to 9th grade, is working on writing her first novel. My son, at 11 can identify Latin roots of words and use that knowledge to accurately spell and define words. Both my children are reading above grade level and enjoying the education that they are receiving from Faune. She is a terrific role model and an excellent teacher. We are incredibly lucky she entered our lives and introduced us to the Wilson Reading Program.

Denise & James, parents of Team Faune and Wilson success stories

Faune is a fantastic tutor. The children enjoy working with her and
feel comfortable asking questions about the topics they are learning
about and the skills they are trying to master. She works hard to make
sure the kids have fun while mastering new skills. Faune is dependable
and hardworking and I would love to have her back in my classroom again.

Lori Robertson
Classroom Teacher
The Lab School of Washington

Faune is enthusiastic about helping children succeed. She is professional and confident that every child can read. She is a true professional and very knowledgeable. Faune cares about helping all children succeed and feel confident. Her core belief is that every student can learn provided they are given the right environment. She is patient and easy to talk to. Kids love her.

Ali, Montgomery County Teacher and former Lab School of Washington colleague

During the last eight months our daughter has been on a fabulous journey with Faune Watkins at All Can Read, LLC. Her progress has been amazing!

Her reading struggles were very apparent to her teachers and to us and we knew she needed very specific one on one instruction. We are so glad Faune was highly recommended to us by the speech pathologist at Children's Hospital. Since my child has been working with Faune she has blossomed into a child who loves school and is eager to show her teachers what she is learning. She has confidence and pride in her classwork. Faune's professional, patient and encouraging approach is individualized for each of her students. This was very important to us as parents. Faune recognized from the beginning that all children learn differently. She has also given us the teaching tools to continue to support our child outside the classroom. We are grateful for the instruction our child has received and we know in our hearts that Faune has unlocked a door towards a bright and successful future.


Tutoring with Faune has been the best experience for our dyslexic son. We went through a lot of different tutors trying to find that magic combination of patience, friendly, enthusiastic and down to earth that works so well with children. Before Faune our son use to dread being tutored each week but now with Faune he looks forward to it as it is such a positive experience for him. We have used Faune for nearly 2 years now and our son’s reading level has drastically improved – he was 2 years below grade level when he started with Faune and now is reading on grade level. This has done wonders for his confidence and self esteem and is now in regular classes at school. Faune seems to have the best ability to communicate with children on their level but in a very professional way which is why she is so successful in what she does.

Helen, Mother of 12 yr old son

My son’s challenges with reading were extremely stressful for him. His All Can Read instructor understood exactly how to make him comfortable in working through the challenges. Academic therapy was a gentle process, thorough at the same time, and his instructor was extremely patient with a kid who was upset about reading. It didn’t happen overnight but progress was perceptible from week to week because the goals were attainable. All Can Read was the foundation on which he has advanced from a non-reader to reading chapter books.

All Can Read’s library of reading and math games, books, toys, and electronics were a hit for my son. It’s a colorful office, welcoming and child-friendly. The new addition of a Smart Board makes focusing much easier and more interesting. All Can Read staff enjoy today’s technologies that today’s kids use.

PG County Parent

Faune saw a youngster I brought to her office a mere three times -- far too short a period to guess what the lasting effect might have been were the relationship to have continued over time. The impression I got in the brief time I knew Faune was of a woman with a real passion and full commitment to teaching children of all ages. She was warm, responsive and supportive and she gave fully of herself on every level.

The youngster I brought to her was a teenager from a poverty pocket in a foreign culture, who had extremely limited learning and language skills, and who would have required long-term tutoring. This was not feasible. Although ours was an aborted relationship, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have met Faune and to have gained from her keen insights about child development and parental relationships.

A Washington, DC resident/Retired School Psychologist

Faune, I am so proud of you and all you have done. You have created such an excellent environment for the children to learn --- and with YOU in that environment --- miracles happen. When you came to class, I was impressed with your quest for knowledge -- you were like a sponge and soaked everything up -- always wanting more. Then you took every class you could to learn more. So positive and true. You must be so proud of yourself and all the reading help and self-confidence you are giving so many children.

I have been reading the book, The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge. Chapter 3 talks about "Practicing a new skill, under the right conditions, can change hundreds and millions and possibility billions of the connections between the nerve cells in our brain maps." "We can change the very structure of the brain itself and increase its capacity to learn. Unlike a computer, the brain is constantly adapting itself." It has been so rewarding to read this book and know that The Wilson Method and Lindamood are based on brain research and that we are doing the right thing.

Kay, former Night school teacher at the Lab School of Washington, DC

The bottom line is my son loves going to All Can Read. His improvement in phonemic knowledge, site words and general reading in six months is remarkable. I credit the improvement to the instruction style and program. We tried another major program for an entire summer with no improvement. Inspite of the lack of success of another reading program, we tried this method because as a parent, I was not going to allow my child to be grade levels behind in a vital education area. My son and I are thankful we found All Can Read LLC.

Parent of Student at Luxmanor Elementary School
Montgomery County MD

We were very fortunate to find Faune Watkins of All Can Read when our son was struggling with spelling and reading in the second grade. Now as a fourth grader, having completed the Wilson program with Faune, his spelling and reading have improved and homework is a significantly less stressful time for us. We found Faune and her office to be very kid-friendly. Faune was always accommodating in terms of scheduling, and was very patient while working with our son. Just as importantly, Faune was willing to train us in the basic concepts of the Wilson methodology. This allows us even now to prompt him to spell words he may be struggling with. And in the words of our son: “Faune is a really nice tutor. She lets you play games and I liked working with her. She teaches you the concepts again and again and that helps me remember.”

Judy, Montgomery County Parent

My child – a second grader - has always managed to “get by” in math but never felt good about it when seeing peers move ahead. Prior to knowing about or meeting Faune, we hired licensed and degreed teachers and private tutors as tutors; we did drills and lesson plans every night; we purchased computer programs and materials, etc. While some of these tactics worked somewhat, there was no true sense of mastery or progress for any of us. We needed someone with an innovative approach and someone who could help us help our child beyond practice drills that become boring and even painful for kids.

Several of my friends with kids in a gifted program at a local public school had been travelling 2-3x a week to Kensington MD to see Faune for help with reading. Many of these children are literally perfect math students such that when their tests/scores came in on reading and are lower than expectation in relation to their perfect math ability, the students are evaluated for reading disabilities. To meet any of these children, you can instantly tell how insanely bright they are, so I was curious what kind of tutor could help these beyond bright children and have such amazing results and loyalty. Knowing she was a reading specialist, I wasn’t sure she would be able to help our child. We spoke a long time about the struggles our child was having. She agreed to work with us to help our child find ways to make math more fun vs. a struggle. They have had to go backwards to master the fundamental basics – usually covered in first grade - in order to move forward – which worried me because I did not want our child to lose ground and I knew she would not want to either. It has only been a month, 2x a week, and we can say without reservation that this is the best money we have ever spent. Our child loves Faune as a person and as a tutor. Faune has a warm, kind, patient personality and children are naturally drawn to her.

Faune Watkins,, has such a following in Mclean that she finally opened an office here off of Elm Street. Had she not, we would have travelled 2x a week like everyone else to Kensington and we would have learned quickly that the time in the car was well worth the change in our child and our overall approach. You can see from Faune’s website that her specialty is reading – so if you have students who might benefit from her services in that arena, I have no doubt that she has a plethora of references for you. For us, I believe she must be an outstanding reading tutor because her approach to tutoring in math is unique, fresh, creative, fun, and productive – we have seen results quickly! She has been using Touch Math, Math U See, and several other programs with our child. These strategies have worked at school and at home already and they provide tools for our child to feel confident when approaching any math problems.

Fairfax County Parent

Faune did a great job tutoring my son. His teachers said he made significant progress and it seemed like they were surprised. I would highly recommend Faune if your child is struggling with reading or below grade level in reading.


Faune Watkin's All Can Read program has made a huge difference in my daughter's academic life. My daughter was struggling mightily and failing to keep up with her peers in reading in 1st grade. At the end of 1st grade she was only able to read at a mid-semester Kindergarten level. After testing confirmed she was dyslexic, we started seeing Ms. Watkins in October of 2008 and the change has been tremendous. In 2nd grade alone my daughter's reading level increased by 1 1/2 grades. The individual, student specific lessons are really the only way my daughter will learn to read.

Shari, Montgomery County Parent

Ms. Watkins is a terrific tutor and passionate about her work! She has a unique ability to bond with the children and to make work fun.

We found Faune while looking specifically for a Wilson Reading Method tutor. As soon as we met her we knew this was the right fit. She immediately put our son at ease. Her caring nature, clarity of purpose and enthusiasm for reading were evident from the first informational meeting. We liked her organizational style and ability to tailor a lesson to our child’s needs. We also appreciated her keeping in touch with our school’s reading teacher to ensure coordination. She was dependable and always prepared for the lessons. Her homework assignments were reasonable and reinforced the lessons learned that day during the tutoring session. She also included additional materials if they helped a child make a connection for between the tutoring sessions and school.

Faune works very hard to break through resistance and to encourage children to take responsibility. Many times Faune went above and beyond what was expected. When our son had a school book report project that was daunting, she helped guide him to breaking it into manageable segments. She even took extra time to find ways to make the book fun. We were so pleased to see our son’s self-confidence grow, and to see him develop a more positive attitude about reading and school in general.

Faune is extremely dependable. Even though our son has graduated from her program, she still keeps in touch about his continued progress.

Pleased Virginia Parents

My 4th grade daughter was reading at grade level, but she wasn't excelling at reading or reading for enjoyment. At her teacher's recommendation, she started to see Ms. Watkins, and we are very grateful that she is working with my daughter. Since working with Ms. Watkins, my daughter is much more confident in her reading and spelling. My daughter looks forward to her tutoring sessions and is happy that someone can help her understand the English Language in a way that no teacher had previously.

We love that Ms. Watkins really customizes the tutoring to the child's needs and ability to understand. As a parent, what pleases me a great deal is that my daughter is happy to be getting this help and it doesn't make her feel "stupid" compared to her friends. I think that she actually feels better about herself that she is finally learning to spell and read with ease. Thank you, Ms. Watkins!

Kim, McLean Parent

Faune, you were such a help in getting Kylene started on learning/relearning phonemic sounds. She thoroughly enjoyed her time with you during the summer. She is doing well here in the 6th grade and says hello. You were very considerate of her feelings, my time, and truly were concerned with her progress. You are an OUTSTANDING teacher! You believe that everyone can read. You believe that people learn in different ways and at different rates. You believe in your students. I know that this comes across by the way your students react to you. For Kylene, I do not recall her ever moaning about the fact that she had to come see you and do work. I think that says a lot, especially during the summertime. My Aunt Nancy says hello as well.

Thank you!
Shannon McDowell

When we first met Faune, our son was at least two grade levels behind in his reading and had no confidence. He was distressed when we told him we had hired a tutor. It did not take long before signs of progress became apparent. Our son easily formed a fun working relationship with Faune. She was quickly able to understand our son’s personality and, working with his personality, to individualize her approach to helping him. If something wasn’t working, or he seemed frustrated, she would try a different approach. Because Faune didn’t give up on him, he didn’t give up on himself.


* All Can Read LLC is NOT Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes nor is it affiliated with, certified, endorsed, licensed, monitored or sponsored by Lindamood-Bell, Nanci Bell, Phyllis Lindamood or Pat Lindamood. Lindamood-Bell-an international organization creating and implementing unique instructional methods and programs for quality intervention to advance language and literacy skills-in no way endorses or monitors the services provided by All Can Read LLC.


Orton-Gillingham based Multisensory reading tutor. Serving students with Dyslexia and Learning Differences with office in McLean, VA

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